It's obvious to me, but I haven't seen it posted anywhere, so I'll try it anyway! I have 230 QP's at this point, and have done the majority of quests in RS. It would be easier for me to OSRS Gold not have to scroll through them all the time to see which ones I'm left to do.
I would suggest adding a few filters on the bottom of the Quest List. Show All displays all quests. Show Unfinished - Displays only red/yellow quests. Show Complete - Only shows unfinished/started quests you have completed.
It's a minor change, but in my opinion it will benefit not just those who are experienced (less scrolling) as well as new members who may feel overwhelmed by the increase in size of the lists of F2P! Perhaps there could be an array of checkboxes that are displayed when you click an options button within the quests interface.
You can also sort the list according to a specific set of criteria. I'd personally prefer simply taking quests off of the list rather than sort them down to the lowest point, but that having both options will please many. It's one of those little fixes that would be widely loved by the RS community.
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